Pianoforall Review (2020): Does This Programme Really Work?

 This Pianoforall review is based on current Customer reports and TheDailyFits own independent investigation. This report covers important information every consumer needs to know.

Pianoforall – Now Anyone Can Learn Piano or Keyboard

Full Review

The Piano for All program is used to implement learning strategies and focuses on teaching blues, pop, jazz, and rock songs by popular artists. Also, it is more interesting when you are able to play songs you have heard on the radio. Most other programs or lessons teach you songs that you will definitely not hear on the radio.

You will get a series of 10 books, 200 videos, and 500 audio demonstrations in Piano for all. This selection also includes 46 lectures, taking a total time of four hours and 31 minutes to complete and the best part is that you are not required to go through the entire four hours and 31 minutes at once. You can do everything at your own pace.

Then this book two of the program will ease you and this book two is called Blues, and Rock ‘n’ Roll. This book is exactly what the names states, a Blues, and Rock ‘n’ Roll lesson. This section of the book includes 11 lectures and it only takes 56 minutes to complete. There is book number three which is special because it will teach you all about chords.

The third book mainly focuses on chords and less on melodies like the other books do he Chord Magic book does not just teach you the basic chords, you will be learning about every single one. There are a total of 24 triads and you will also learn how to make chord inversions.

You will also get audio files of songs to help you with this book that you can play along with your instructor. The entirety of this book is only 16 lectures, and an hour and 46 minutes of your time.

The fourth book is Advance Chords which made easy the continuation of Chord Magic. While working on this book you will be able to apply some chords that you have learned in the past two books and you will then continue to the Ballad Stylebook. While working on this book you will be able to apply some chords that you have learned in the past two books.

You will be able to play some of your favorite ballads at the end of this book and feel like a professional doing it. The sixth book delves into the jazz world with the Jazz Piano Made Easy book and in the seventh book, you will revisit the blues you learned in book two. In the Advanced Blues, and Fake Stride book you will use techniques from book two to create your own improvisations. This is a book that will add excitement to your playing, and it puts you in the creative seat.

Piano for All Pros & Cons


  • The program makes sure that you are using both hands. Never one more than the other.
  • Robin Hall, the creator of Piano for All, is an expert pianist. He is experienced in many styles of piano playing.
  • The 10 books are full of informative and helpful lessons that are sure to help you.
  • You can go at your own pace, and work it into your schedule wherever it fits.
  • It is very affordable for the quality content you receive.
  • The video and audio clips are a helpful aid to the books.
  • The program really emphasizes learning chords. Knowing chords is important especially if you want to join a band or be part of an orchestra.
  • If you practice you will see the results.


  • If you do not practice you will not see the results.
  • You may be someone who benefits more from traditional lessons.

Does This Program Work?

Yes, piano for all course review really works. This program is not at all scam which can be confirmed with the vast amount of positive reviews. Honestly speaking, you will not find a better program for beginners or any level. The total cost of this program is the cost you would probably pay for one traditional lesson. Piano for All is a totally affordable program that gives you great results.


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